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The Whiskey Widow, December 19 2022

Find the sparkle in each day.

The slog of winter, bad weather, and more things on your plate than can be accomplished can keep a day feeling gray.

I’ve been trying to train myself to notice the sparkle in each day. At least one thing that brings a little glimmer of hope, of fun, of joy.

On Saturday, we had 3 hockey games on the calendar and I wasn’t looking forward to traveling.

Recent winter storms had cancelled school for two days and road conditions were terrible. We were supposed to be on the road bright and early, but in a hockey miracle, our first game was cancelled to give time for the roads to improve. I was grateful.

We got to sleep in and spend a quiet morning at home. What an unexpected gift, the first sparkle of the day, thanks to this beautiful snow.

As a single parent, I’m forever fighting to find balance with three children participating in a very demanding sport and my inability to be in three places at once. They all love hockey and so we continue to make it work, but schedule changes, 6 a.m. practices, hours on the road, coordinating rides and help, plus all the extras that go with being a part of three different teams, makes this season a real challenge for our family. 

Given the loss of Adam, missing family events due to sports doesn’t sit well with me.

My sweet Grandma turned 94 on Saturday. We weren’t all going to make the party due to travel time and hockey schedules, but thanks to the cancellation of the morning game, we did!

I’m so glad we all got to show up, give hugs, and celebrate her special day. Another sparkle.

The cherry on top of the day was this. 

I had planned to take my daughter to a new restaurant for lunch in between her games. Food Network star, Molly Yeh, opened her first restaurant in East Grand Forks a few months ago.

Of course, we didn’t make it because our drive time doubled and we got up there well past lunch for Ruby's one late afternoon game.

Disappointing? Should have been.

After the game we needed food before the drive home. We were only five minutes away from Bernie’s and it was open for another hour. Yes, I wanted to get on the road because driving in the dark on bad roads is not fun. But, it was already dark and being that close, we decided to make a quick stop. At least we’d get an amazing meal in our bellies before the long ride back.

I love Molly Yeh’s story, from studying percussion at Juilliard in New York, to living on a farm here in the the great white north. I followed her back when she was a blogger and love watching her journey. Cook book author, star of Girl Meets Farm, wife, mother, owner of a successful restaurant – who knows what will come next, but I assure you, I’ll be watching and cheering her on.  

I had been to Bernie’s once before and had an amazing chicken sandwich and the best-ever giant peanut butter blossom cookie. Soft, chewy, the perfect texture and taste, it's worth the drive just for the cookie! As it turned out, I got one on Saturday. 

My hungry daughter and I dashed in from the rink and each had bowls of delicious knoephla soup and split a tasty burger. Don’t try to be carb-free when you visit this place. The breads and buns and baked goods are so amazing. EAT ALL THE CARBS!

Bernie's is cafeteria-style where you walk up to place your order and then sit down. When I was there in early fall, the line to order was out the door, so I felt very lucky that we were able to walk right up and order with no wait at all. I’m sure the bad weather played a hand in our good fortune.

The food came out quick and my daughter agreed - it was definitely worth the stop! We were full and happy and I was so glad we still got to experience this place together. I ran back up to the counter to grab a coffee for the long drive home. While there, a woman asked a question about a book signing and was directed towards the other end of the restaurant.

As I was paying, I asked, “Is there a book signing tonight?” I thought perhaps there was an event scheduled for after the restaurant closed. Instead, I was told there was one happening now. Incredulous, I said – “She’s here?!?! Right now?” When staff confirmed it, I bought her latest cookbook right then and there and went to grab my Ruby.

How crazy was this? Had we been at the morning game, we would have come at lunchtime and missed Molly altogether.

Instead, cookbook in hand, we walked up to a podium where a kind woman began checking a list for our names. I had to tell her she wouldn't find us. We did not have tickets, having just swung in after a hockey game. She told us about the hours-long wait folks had at a previous signing and that they issued tickets this time to prevent standing outside in the cold while waiting for a turn to meet Molly. It just so happened that Molly was sitting without a person to greet at the moment and no line in front of her, so we were generously ushered over.

How lovely to get our book signed, take a photo, and get to greet Molly Yeh in person! What a load of glitter on the top of a crazy day that we didn’t see coming!

Molly was kind and didn’t mind at all that we were just buzzing through from a hockey game and had no tickets or idea she was going to be there. I was happy to tell her that our food was amazing – both times I had been there - and that the service was excellent. She asked Ruby if she’d won her game and Ruby happily reported that she did. Molly wished us safe travels on our journey back and we headed out with cookies in hand and the biggest smiles on our faces.

Grief can make days gray and hard for so long, but there are sparkles of joy to be found. You may not be able to see or experience a day full of glitter or light for some time following a painful loss and that’s okay. 

Just live every day and look for the sparkles.

Written by

The Whiskey Widow


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