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The Whiskey Widow, January 2 2024


I’m grateful for this space to process my grief.

I am still surprised when someone stops me to say they read my blog or sends me an email about a specific post that meant something to them.

Blogs can feel like you’re writing to everyone and no one at all.

I’ve been writing my whole life and never put it anywhere.

I’ve been writing since my husband died and whether anyone read it or not, I’ve put some here and it helps me.

I’m grateful for you, my kind readers. I’d like to give away a little something to say thanks. 

    ·           Lt. Adam Gustafson Memorial Fund Glencairn. It’s a whiskey tasting glass or a small flower vase or a simple reminder on your shelf that life is short. LAGMF is the nonprofit I’ve created in my husband’s memory to encourage first responders and those entering the field of law enforcement.

·         Bel Koz bracelet. Truly one of my favorite items to gift. I was given a few with kind reminders like “You Got This” that I wore every day during my early grief. They provide dignified jobs in Haiti and I order mine from my friend’s shop The Mustard Seed Marketplace. I always keep a few on hand for someone who is hurting or needs a little encouragement and they can be personalized.

·         One Line A Day a five-year memory book. If you’re not someone who journals – this book is for you. I’ve been writing in mine for over 2 years now and I love it. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re making any progress in life, looking back over your one line a day from years past shows you. It is a great reminder to keep going. There are good days and bad, but being able to reflect on what you were doing or facing one year ago on the exact same date time and again is a beautiful thing. It doesn’t take long. Keep it by your bed.

·         The Three Malts Collector’s Pack of the smallest bottles of Scotch Whisky in the world. I got these on my trip to Scotland and realized I haven’t shared enough about that trip. I’m going to tell a few tales of the whiskey I tasted, the distillery I toured and the most meaningful bottles I brought back.

·         The Whiskey Widow sticker

To ENTER make sure you’re:

1.  Subscribed by email to The Whiskey Widow blog.

2.  Like the Giveaway post on Instagram and tag a friend you’re grateful for.

That’s it!

Enter by: Sunday, January 7, 2024.   

Winner announced: Monday, January 8, 2024.

Written by

The Whiskey Widow


Older Bite-size goals. Long-term dreams.
Newer A Realization in the Dreaded Task of Closet Cleaning.