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The Whiskey Widow, November 3 2022

In the mix, tilling the soil.

I’m learning to say yes.                 

To opportunities that come up.  

To things that scare me.  

Atomic Habits author James Clear recently posted: 

“Lucky opportunities tend to be stumbled upon, not handed out.

If you’re waiting for someone to hand deliver an excellent opportunity to you, it’s unlikely to happen. But if you are exploring and moving - if you’re in the mix and engaged - then you’ll stumble upon many opportunities.”

I was asked to be on a radio show.

I know nothing about radio. I wanted to say no.

But in this weird stage of life, following the death of my husband and my career, I’m learning to say yes to new things that come my way.

The more I put myself out there, the more opportunities appear.

Clear’s post finished with:

 “The active mind comes across a lot. Keep tilling the soil and you will occasionally unearth something wonderful.”

I did not see myself in radio, but I've been writing and posting and sharing and it’s opening doors to new opportunities.

I have been on 3 different radio programs and now have a reoccurring monthly spot.

I’m glad I said yes to a unique opportunity that scared me.

I’m glad I’m writing. Happy to keep tilling the soil.


Written by

The Whiskey Widow


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