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The Whiskey Widow, October 14 2022


I’d like to reclaim the pantry, to get it organized and cleaned up. In the days following a shocking death, many beautiful people came by with so many things. Food, toilet paper, Kleenex boxes, disposable food containers, snacks, toys – you name it. A lot of things were shoved in a lot of places and I’ve recently spent some time digging out.

In the first year, I couldn’t bring myself to pack up, give away, or dispose of anything that belonged to Adam. As the one-year marker approached, I felt as though I should deal with more of his clothes and things. But, like any good procrastinator, I prefer to take on nearly any other task around our home than sift through Adam’s belongings. I’ve organized the kids' closets, gone through their clothes and donated items that no longer fit. I’ve gone after my own clothes, our kitchen cupboards, our arts and craft supplies, books, board games - truly anything other than facing the pain of dealing with Adam’s things.

At numerous organizational turns, I bump into bottles of whiskey. In more places than I knew about, for sure. I’ve decided to take back my pantry and discover just how many bottles of whiskey I own. I’m taking inventory and cleared off this shelf in the basement to store Adam’s whiskey collection all in one spot, instead of here, there, and everywhere, as it is now.

How many whiskey bottles will there be? We’re about to find out together.

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Written by

The Whiskey Widow


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