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The Whiskey Widow, May 16 2023

Keep Walking

I made it out for a solitary hike after all.

I’m so glad I did.

Getting away in the quiet of nature is good for the soul.

Didn’t pass another person the whole time.

I listened to an audio book and enjoyed the views.

Walked and talked to God.

Asked him the same questions and some new ones.

Why is this the road He chose for me? The path I must walk.

Why must my kids face life without their dad?

I didn’t expect an answer.

It is what it is.

But I still believe He sees me, He knows me and He loves me.

In the lows of life, my friends, keep walking.

Written by

The Whiskey Widow


Older Another May, Another Milestone.
Newer Adventures bring gratitude. Returning home, contentment.