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The Whiskey Widow, March 29 2024

Keep Walking II

There is so much sadness these days. 

Good people facing difficult circumstances. 

When tragedy strikes it can feel like some are looking at me to see how I got through.


“Through” implies there’s another side. An end.

There is not.

I must keep walking

One foot in front of the other. One small step at a time.

When you cannot see the way,

When you cannot feel anything but empty and hollow, 

But others are relying on you, so you cannot just lay down. You walk on.

There is so much pain in this world.

If it has not touched you yet, it will.

Surround yourself with people, kind and loving people because you will need each other. 

Never pass up the opportunity to show your kindness to someone hurting. 

Go outside and walk and talk to God.

There may not be answers, but you will get stronger.

Each step forward when you don't want to take it, 

when you don't know the way, carves a trail. 

Just keep walking.

There are these moments that cut so deep, they mark you forever.

Before and after.

You cannot get over them.

You cannot get through them.

You can only keep walking.  


Written by

The Whiskey Widow


Older Victual - a visit to the smallest liquor store in Minnesota.
Newer A-Frame Getaway in Crosby, MN.