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The Whiskey Widow, January 24 2025

Scheduling New Experiences.

I am making room for new things. Making it a priority to say yes. To go, learn, and do. 

I tried Nordic Thermal Cycling for the first time at Moonglade.

Hot sauna. Cold plunge. Rest and recovery.

I was a bit apprehensive about the cold plunge portion because I loathe being cold, but decided to give this experience a try. In 90 minutes, we cycled through three times. It was calm and relaxing, and having friends to chat with made it much more enjoyable. 

The sauna was easy. I like the heat. 

The cold plunge took work. I decided to move smoothly in without stopping to get fully submerged and seated as fast as I could. I knew once I felt the temperature of the water, I wouldn't want to keep going. 

Don't let this photo fool you.

I had to close my eyes and couldn’t chat in the cold plunge tub. It took real focus. I stretched my arms and legs out to rest my hands and feet flat against the sides of the tub. I had to lean my head back and breathe deep to stay seated and calm.

When you get out of the cold plunge, the best thing to do is allow your body to return to temperature on its own - so don’t hop right back in the sauna or the heated mineral tub to warm up.

Instead, I walked around barefoot on the cold ground  in my swimsuit and let my body do the work of warming up on its own. It is in this work where real health benefits lie. There was a campfire to walk around while your body adjusted from being in the cold water and the smell was a delight. 

It was a beautiful experience out in nature where you would find yourself listening to the birds chirp and the leaves rustle. I left feeling invigorated. I loved the experience and knew I would do it again. 

If you commit to trying something new only every other month, it stacks up to a mountain of cool experiences you probably wouldn't have tried if you hadn't intentionally made time for them. 

What new experiences are you making room for this year? Get them on your calendar!

Written by

The Whiskey Widow


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