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The Whiskey Widow, February 13 2024

Rest easy, Toby.

The recent passing of Toby Keith had me reminiscing.

I love his music - so many good singing songs. His patriotism.

Toby Keith songs will always remind me of Adam.

Adam loved country music and he loved America.

Toby’s songs “American Solider” and “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” were blasted multiple times at full volume by Adam every Fourth of July on his ‘Merica playlist, along with favorites like Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.” and the Star-Spangled banner. 

Toby came over to Baghdad, Iraq when Adam and I were serving there in 2005.

We waited patiently for him to fly in on a helicopter and put on a show in the middle of the desert.

We were on one of the longest deployments in Minnesota National Guard history, spending 6 months at different U.S. bases training and then a full 12 months “boots on ground” in Iraq.

It was quite the morale boost to have a country superstar like Toby Keith come play for us. Just a stripped-down show. Toby and his guitar with one other vocalist and a guitar. It was awesome. 

62 years doesn’t seem like enough. Toby is gone too soon.

The same can be said about my Adam. 40 years isn’t long at all.

To make the most of the days we have, it may mean slowing down.

A coffee date with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Spending time on the couch with your kids instead of cleaning.

Leaving things that don’t matter for those that do.

Zoom out. We don’t get much time here. 

Written by

The Whiskey Widow


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