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Announcing: The Whiskey Widow Gifts and Greens.

The Whiskey Widow, February 6 2025

I’m excited to share a dream that’s finally becoming a reality! The Whiskey Widow Gifts and Greens is an online store designed to make encouragement effortless. So often, we want to show up for someone going through a tough time but don’t know how—or life gets busy, and we end up doing nothing. My little online shop exists to help change

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When Someone Very Special Dies.

The Whiskey Widow, November 16 2023

I left the hospital on May 18, 2021, with the unfathomable task of telling my children their beloved father was dead. Never to return. Gone from this earth. I was dazed. I don’t remember who drove me home. I don’t know if anything was said on that car ride. I was completely numb.

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Memorial Quilts

The Whiskey Widow, October 30 2023

One of Adam’s childhood friends started dating a girl from my hometown. We saw them more than ever the month before Adam died. It was like God gave us a few more memories to cling to in Adam’s sudden absence. These sweet friends used a family event to raise money for us. We had no idea and were floored by the generosity of so many. It was...

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Children and Grief

The Whiskey Widow, October 13 2023

It is hard to know what grieving children need. They are often not very vocal about thoughts and feelings on loss. You may wonder if they are grieving at all. That’s normal. Kids live in the present. Yes, they are sad and hugely impacted by the loss of a parent, but the way in which they process it may mean they do relatively well in

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When is the best time to show up for a grieving person?

The Whiskey Widow, January 30 2023

Exactly when you think of it. Having been a widow for over a year and a half now, I know what most often stops people from doing something kind after a tragedy. People worry way too much about timing. All of these thoughts are garbage. The right time to reach out to someone dealing with loss is exactly when it crosses

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Bracelets make another great gift for grievers.

The Whiskey Widow, December 15 2022

Not just any bracelets, but pieces that remind them of their faith, their strength, or their loved one. I received these beautiful Bel Koz Haiti bracelets from friends at different times since losing Adam. Such a fun surprise to find one in the mail on days I needed

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If you need a gift for a griever, consider a journal.

The Whiskey Widow, December 8 2022

As we enter the season of giving, it can be a real challenge to find a gift for someone dealing with loss. A friend going through a hard time. Anyone walking in difficult circumstances. My kids and I received journals from sweet friends after losing Adam. Colorful, personalized journals that came with endless options of erasable pens. My kids...

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