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Memorial Quilts

The Whiskey Widow, October 30 2023

One of Adam’s childhood friends started dating a girl from my hometown. We saw them more than ever the month before Adam died. It was like God gave us a few more memories to cling to in Adam’s sudden absence. These sweet friends used a family event to raise money for us. We had no idea and were floored by the generosity of so many. It was...

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Children and Grief

The Whiskey Widow, October 13 2023

It is hard to know what grieving children need. They are often not very vocal about thoughts and feelings on loss. You may wonder if they are grieving at all. That’s normal. Kids live in the present. Yes, they are sad and hugely impacted by the loss of a parent, but the way in which they process it may mean they do relatively well in

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Basement Reveal

The Whiskey Widow, October 6 2023

Here it is. FINALLY. The basement remodel photos everyone keeps asking for. BEFORE - we had mauve walls and no storage. Our downstairs had been a bit of a dumping ground of mismatched furniture and kid stuff since we moved in. Adam and I didn't use the space often. I wanted a fireplace. We’d talked about adding a

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We did it! LAGMGT success.

The Whiskey Widow, September 28 2023

It’s taken a few days to come down from the crazy busy levels we’ve been running at and let it all sink in, but I can safely say that the inaugural Lt. Adam Gustafson Memorial Golf Tournament was a huge success. What this amazing team accomplished on Monday, September 25, 2023, in Adam’s memory was nothing short of incredible and a mountain of...

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Lt. Adam Gustafson Memorial Golf Tournament

The Whiskey Widow, August 2 2023

In my last post on giving, I said “there’s work to do.” Well, here’s what’s been keeping me from regular blog posting. The inaugural Lt. Adam Gustafson Memorial Golf Tournament is taking place on Monday, September 25, 2023, at the Moorhead Country Club. Registration is now open:

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On the Side of Giving

The Whiskey Widow, July 12 2023

I was never an audio book person until my husband died. I spent hours outside walking, riding bike, running, and hours in the car driving kids to practice, waiting for pickup, killing time before the start of a game. I found that idle time was best spent walking and listening to something and I’ve burned through many wonderful audio books as a...

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A basement remodel brings some needed change. Some fun and excitement.

The Whiskey Widow, June 23 2023

When we moved to this house, we always planned on adding a bar. It’s a rambler with a large basement. One big main room that needed to be broken up and a kitchen/bar area was just the thing. We never got it done. If I wait another year or two it will never happen. I’ll be saying the kids only a have a few years left at home and then this house...

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Adventures bring gratitude. Returning home, contentment.

The Whiskey Widow, June 15 2023

I was off traveling the world for nearly two weeks. It was busy and exciting. So much to see and do. Not a relaxing vacation, but an adventure. When I finally arrived home and walked into my quiet house,

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Keep Walking

The Whiskey Widow, May 16 2023

I made it out for a solitary hike after all. I’m so glad I did. Getting away in the quiet of nature is good for the soul. Didn’t pass another person the whole time.

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Another May, Another Milestone.

The Whiskey Widow, May 5 2023

May is here again. I could feel it approaching. The dreaded day. An anniversary I never wanted. A day I don’t want to commemorate. The day my husband died and the world as I knew it shattered.

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