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The Whiskey Widow Adventures - Oregon

The Whiskey Widow, January 17 2023

Have a friend that just lets you show up? Fly across country and don’t plan a thing. She just says, "Come." I have such a friend. So, I hopped a plane to Portland, Oregon last August. My first solo trip as a widow. Julie is the kindest soul. We met in Peru. Both Ambassadors for Noonday Collection, a fair-trade accessory company that allows you to...

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What does the shock following the sudden death of a spouse look like? A white board.

The Whiskey Widow, January 9 2023

When asked what it’s like to suddenly lose your husband, I say it’s like having a white board for the entire span of your marriage. For us, 15 years. You throw ideas up on it periodically, like a vacation to Hawaii or planting a garden. Things you should do around the house, like paint the office or fix a sink. Even wild hairs to start a food...

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New year. One thing.

The Whiskey Widow, January 2 2023

I used to love making resolutions, goals, lists of things to accomplish in a new year. As a grieving, single-parent I don’t need that kind of pressure. I don’t want a list that overwhelms and eventually falls by the wayside. This year I’m picking one thing.

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Working from home in God's perfect timing.

The Whiskey Widow, December 27 2022

In November, I wrote an essay for a writing class and surprised myself when I declared that I would be working from home for the foreseeable future. I did not have a job at the time, but I felt in my heart that this was a decision that needed to be made. Something I needed to say out loud. Another shift in my existence, but a good one, that will...

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Love for the local church.

The Whiskey Widow, December 22 2022

If you’ve been following along by now you know I’m a believer, relying on faith in the darkest moments. I don’t know how people walk through tragedy without a relationship with Jesus. Clearly, it doesn’t make you immune from the pain and struggles of life, but when you fix your eyes on the One who knows what lies ahead and sees you in the lonely,...

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Find the sparkle in each day.

The Whiskey Widow, December 19 2022

The slog of winter, bad weather, and more things on your plate than can be accomplished can keep a day feeling gray. I’ve been trying to train myself to notice the sparkle in each day. At least one thing that brings a little glimmer of hope, of fun, of joy. On Saturday, we had 3 hockey games on the calendar and I wasn’t looking forward to...

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Bracelets make another great gift for grievers.

The Whiskey Widow, December 15 2022

Not just any bracelets, but pieces that remind them of their faith, their strength, or their loved one. I received these beautiful Bel Koz Haiti bracelets from friends at different times since losing Adam. Such a fun surprise to find one in the mail on days I needed

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If you need a gift for a griever, consider a journal.

The Whiskey Widow, December 8 2022

As we enter the season of giving, it can be a real challenge to find a gift for someone dealing with loss. A friend going through a hard time. Anyone walking in difficult circumstances. My kids and I received journals from sweet friends after losing Adam. Colorful, personalized journals that came with endless options of erasable pens. My kids...

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MYTH: Grieving people can’t take more bad news.

The Whiskey Widow, December 5 2022

I've been looking back at the last year and half of this grief journey and I've noticed a few things. Here's one - after my husband died unexpectedly and I became an instant single-parent to our three young kids, people stopped telling me things. If a friend or someone we knew was going through a difficult time, no one told me. It was like they...

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A birthday wish: To bless others in Adam's memory.

The Whiskey Widow, December 2 2022

Today should be Adam’s 42nd birthday. But, he never got to turn 41. It seems like the right day to announce something I’ve been working on over the last year. Our family has been blessed by the kindness of many since Adam died. The support from law enforcement, family and friends, military veterans, and the generous community we live in has been...

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