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If you're dealing with loss, adding this one step to your morning routine makes all the difference.

The Whiskey Widow, November 28 2022

Carve out space at the start of your day to spend with God. When you’re grieving the loss of a spouse, a career, your identity, the future as you once knew it – this is an essential addition to your daily routine. My old life doesn’t exist anymore. I’m home now, no longer rushing to get everyone out of the house and off to work like I used to. My...

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The holidays bring traditions, memories, and the pressure to continue everything on after a loved one dies.

The Whiskey Widow, November 22 2022

When you lose your spouse, the person you built your entire life and family with, everything is hard. But oh, the holidays. They are their own special kind of hard. Fall kicks off a difficult lineup of event after event. So many traditions and memories. So much work keeping it all

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You can't make it up.

The Whiskey Widow, November 17 2022

This one was hard. I was fine collecting all the bottles and moving them downstairs, taking the pictures and arranging the shelves. But making that video reel and putting it out there. It was hard.

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A day that ends in tragedy, started with love.

The Whiskey Widow, November 14 2022

Last week our wedding anniversary came around for the second time for me as a widow. It is still crazy to say that my marriage is over. Done. I was married for 15 years. Now I’m not. My husband died out of nowhere last year and now I have to check the 'single' box on forms or the 'widowed' box, if they have

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When you see the hat, say "Thank You."

The Whiskey Widow, November 10 2022

You’ve seen them before. Black baseball hats with gold lettering and brightly colored badges stitched across the front. Vietnam War Veteran, U.S. Army Veteran, Korean War Veteran, and if you’re really lucky you might see a World War II Veteran. My husband did. Adam noticed right away. He wanted to buy that gentleman’s meal, but he also wanted to...

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All Bourbon is Whiskey, but not all Whiskey is Bourbon.

The Whiskey Widow, November 7 2022

Who knew, right?! Not me just a few years ago. I was not a whiskey drinker. My husband became an avid collector after a random distillery tour we took while on vacation in Pittsburgh. I knew he enjoyed hunting for rare whiskey, but I had no idea how many bottles we owned until we ran out of room in our pantry. You know, for food. (See

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In the mix, tilling the soil.

The Whiskey Widow, November 3 2022

I’m learning to say yes. To opportunities that come up. To things that scare me. Atomic Habits author James Clear recently posted: “Lucky opportunities tend to be stumbled upon, not handed out.

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Whiskey Hunting Part 2

The Whiskey Widow, October 31 2022

*If you missed the first half of this tale, Part 1 of my Whiskey Hunting essay is at the end of my last blog post. Here's the finish in Whiskey Hunting Part 2. I was intrigued that Adam’s friends believed more whiskey was stashed somewhere in our home. They said check the gun

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Whiskey Hunting

The Whiskey Widow, October 24 2022

If you've been following along, you already know that I'm taking Inventory of Adam's whiskey collection and taking back my pantry. It's been interesting to find out just how many places whiskey was stashed around our house. I'll have a bottle count soon, but in the meantime, enjoy this Monday goodness - a peek in my pantry and Part One of my...

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Live Every Day.

The Whiskey Widow, October 18 2022

It has been hard to find joy in anything since Adam died. These last many months have been something I’ve had to walk through. There is no shortcut. No way around the days and hours and minutes that I now live on without Adam. I was given this sign by a dear friend - “Live every day until you are alive

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