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Rest easy, Toby.

The Whiskey Widow, February 13 2024

The recent passing of Toby Keith had me reminiscing. I love his music - so many good singing songs. His patriotism. Adam loved country music and he loved America. Toby came over to Baghdad, Iraq when Adam and I were serving there in 2005. We waited patiently for him to fly in on a helicopter and put on a show in the middle of the

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Bite-size goals. Long-term dreams.

The Whiskey Widow, December 31 2023

What dreams are you pursuing in 2024? I’m making a list. I’ve always been a resolution girl. Love to chart out a course for the coming year full of adventure and accomplishment.

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Blessings of Peace this Christmas.

The Whiskey Widow, December 21 2023

So much to get done, to attend, to pick up, to run by, to see and to do. There are days it is all too much. Single-parenting at Christmas is a never-ending hamster wheel where falling off comes with the pressure that you’re ruining the magic of a beautiful season for the little people in your

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Adventures bring gratitude. Returning home, contentment.

The Whiskey Widow, June 15 2023

I was off traveling the world for nearly two weeks. It was busy and exciting. So much to see and do. Not a relaxing vacation, but an adventure. When I finally arrived home and walked into my quiet house,

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Zoom out.

The Whiskey Widow, January 24 2023

What a gift perspective is. Often it means many years of experience have come and gone and left an earned understanding of what matters in life. To gain perspective early, it might mean something awful happened. So it is with me. My husband died unexpectedly at age 40, on a random Tuesday in May, in the prime of his life. He was in the right...

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