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The Whiskey Widow, November 10 2022

When you see the hat, say "Thank You."

 You’ve seen them before. 

Black baseball hats with gold lettering and brightly colored badges stitched across the front.

Vietnam War Veteran, U.S. Army Veteran, Korean War Veteran, and if you’re really lucky you might see a World War II Veteran. My husband did.

Adam noticed right away. He wanted to buy that gentleman’s meal, but he also wanted to shake his hand and thank him for his service. Adam loved the experience so much that he posted about it on his seldom used Instagram account with the hashtags #thegreatestgeneration and #americanhero.

My own American hero, my sweet husband, a military war veteran in his own right, passed away unexpectedly last year at age 40. I have not yet laid his ashes to rest.

Recently, I drove out to a national cemetery to see if it might be the place to hold Adam’s ashes here on earth. It took me near my kids’ favorite donut shop. It’s been a while since they’ve had any, so I stopped to grab a few to surprise them after school. As I paid, I glanced over at the man browsing the donut case next to me.

He wore a black baseball cap with Vietnam War Veteran stitched across it in big gold letters. He got the last pecan caramel roll in the case. I quietly asked to add his roll to my tab. I paid and turned to go, but something made me stop at the door. I heard the cashier tell him his breakfast was paid for and he saw me leaving. I thought of Adam and called back to him “Thank you for your service.”

He looked down and gave a slight nod of his head. 

I left knowing it is what Adam would have done. I’m glad I thanked him. You could tell it meant something to him, probably more than the purchase of his roll.

Next time you see one of those hats, think of Adam, and thank a veteran.

To all who have served, on Veterans Day and always, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Written by

The Whiskey Widow


Older All Bourbon is Whiskey, but not all Whiskey is Bourbon.
Newer A day that ends in tragedy, started with love.